Monday, October 4, 2010

Announcing the 2010 Fall Schedule!

Monday nights, 5:30 to 7:30 pm

             4 – Open Studio
            11 – Open Studio
            18 – Basic Sewing Class
            25 – Open Studio: focus on costume-making
            1 – Mending Monday Class
            8 – Open Studio
            15 – Basic Sewing Class
            22 – Open Studio
            29 – Open Studio
             6 – Basic Sewing Class
            13 – Open Studio
            20 – Open Studio: focus on holiday projects
            27 – Closed for the holidays

Basic Sewing Class
This two-hour introductory class will teach the basics of sewing machines and how to operate them; the basics of fabric; and how to pin and sew seams. You will make a simple project that you can take home. The sewing machines and all supplies are provided. Completion of this class is advised for those who want to attend Open Studio Hours but have no prior knowledge of sewing machines.
Teacher: Martha McDaniel.
Mending Monday Class
In this workshop, you will learn basic mending skills including how to sew on a button and basic hand sewing; iron-on or sew on a patch; and hem a skirt or pair of pants. You will also learn how to mend holes in socks or sweaters. Teachers: Jennifer Lynn and Martha McDaniel.

Open Studio Hours: Free. No registration required. Bring your own projects. Sew-Op volunteers will be available to help, but a basic knowledge of sewing machines & sewing skills are required.  

Classes: Registration required; $20 fee (scholarships available). Class size is limited to six students per session, ages 14 and up.

Registration: To register for a class, email; call Kye at the Upper Valley Co-op, 802-295-5804; or sign up at the front counter of the Co-op. The Sew-Op is located on the second floor above the Upper Valley Food Coop, with entry at the back of the building (follow signs).